Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thing #12 Getting to Know You--MySpace and Facebook

Wow--I'm feeling deeply disturbed now. I searched for friends on MySpace. I can't believe the stuff I saw. Two things in particular stand out in my mind. People on MySpace get to choose their "Headline"--kind of like their message to the world. In my short searches (less than 15 minutes), I saw two headlines by two separate guys, "Dead Girls Don't Say No" and "There are two types of people in the world: Those who rape, and those who get raped."

You can find me on MySpace by going to Feel free to send me a "Friend" request!!

But, if you want to see a cool MySpace done by a library, check out Denver Public's at This is one of the positives of MySpace. It lets us, as the library, reach teens where teens are (if we can get the support of our larger organization--that is, the City.)

Facebook is much more positive. I found three friends and it was fun. I'm glad Facebook is giving an alternative to those of us who find MySpace to be bordering on offensive at best.


Alice in Libraryland said...

That is so disgusting about what you found on MySpace!! I did Facebook--I'm under Christene Howley, if you're planning to continue with it. We can be "friends"! I'll look for you next time I am on.

Anonymous said...

Well said.